Honoring Endings (video)

This 30-minute video encourages you to practice honoring the endings in your life. I talk about what endings are, why it’s important to mark them, several ideas for honoring change, and how to let go in a way that feels aligned. Above all, remember to trust your own knowing, especially around timing.

Key takeaways:

  • When we mark endings, we often feel more liberated as we transition into a new beginning.

  • When we blow past endings, we may carry unprocessed emotions and energy that weigh us down as we enter our next phase. For unplanned endings, this could include shock, trauma, anger, resentment, and/or guilt about feeling relieved. For planned endings, this can include guilt or shame about moving on, not feeling permission to celebrate, and/or lingering doubts.

  • The components I consider when honoring an ending are (1) feeling my emotions rather than avoiding them, (2) celebrating who I have become, (3) integrating what I want to keep, and (4) releasing what I want to let go.

  • Tune into the best way to honor each unique ending. Do you need a private or shared experience? Does it feel more like a celebration or ritual? Do you want something tangible to take with you? Might you need several years of milestones to move on, or 5 minutes to light a candle?

  • Remember: All endings make space for new life. As this energy moves out, what do you want to invite in?

After you watch the video, you can try my 13-minute free guided meditation to help you reflect on your ending and release what isn't meant to come with you.

If this video has helped you and you are able to give back, please consider donating to The Retreat Space or leaving a comment below. Many thanks!


Quinn Corte is Founder of The Retreat Space. Every time Quinn gathers intentionally with other souls to create or heal, she comes alive. By establishing The Retreat Space, Quinn is stepping into her power as a keeper of sacred space, a cultivator of magical connections, and a grounded guide for deep healing and growth. Quinn is a magpie, forever collecting gems of wisdom and building a nest of kindred spirits. Her healing philosophies are trauma-informed and grounded in the real world. In her offerings, she integrates her own experience with her self-study of neuroscience and psychology, ancient wisdoms, earth magic, soulwork, personal development, somatic healing, self-empowerment, and social justice. You can read more about Quinn here or connect with her through email or Instagram.

You can find other offerings from me here.


Honoring Endings (meditation)


Clearing the Clutter That’s Blocking Your Life